Important notice to all volunteer candidates: 


Rooted in the loving ministry of Jesus as healer, we commit ourselves to serving all persons with special attention to those who are poor and vulnerable. Our Catholic health ministry is dedicated to spiritually centered, holistic care which sustains and improves the health of individuals and communities. We are advocates for a compassionate and just society through our actions and our words.


We envision a strong, vibrant Catholic health ministry in the United States which will lead to the transformation of healthcare.  We will ensure service that is committed to health and well-being for our communities and that responds to the needs of individuals throughout the life cycle.  We will expand the role of the laity, in both leadership and sponsorship, to ensure a Catholic health ministry of the future.


We are called to:

  • Service of the Poor: Generosity of spirit, especially for persons most in need
  • Reverence: Respect and compassion for the dignity and diversity of life
  • Integrity: Inspiring trust through personal leadership
  • Wisdom: Integrating excellence and stewardship
  • Creativity: Courageous innovation
  • Dedication: Affirming the hope and joy of our ministry

You have expressed an interest in becoming a part of our healthcare team. It is important you understand we expect our employees and volunteers to adhere to certain expectations and standards of performance. Volunteers are responsible for their attendance, conduct and performance. We expect our volunteers to be compassionate, friendly, polite and helpful when interacting with our patients and each other. The Values in Action are a baseline example of expectations for St. John volunteers. Please read each section thoroughly and check each expectation to indicate your commitment to abide by the prescribed behaviors. You may continue the application process upon agreement to these values. 


Are you still in High School?
















Through my association with St. John Health System or its subsidiaries, including St. John Auxiliary (hereinafter collectively “St. John”), as a volunteer, I understand that patient information in any form (paper, electronic, oral, etc.) is protected by law and that breaches of patient confidentiality can have severe ramifications up to and including termination of my relationship with St. John as well as possible civil and criminal penalties for myself. I will not improperly access, use, or divulge any information which comes to me through the carrying out of my duties and assignment or observation. All volunteers are held accountable to maintain confidentiality of all patient information, in accordance with HIPAA and other applicable law, and confidential business information of St. John not available to the public. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • I will not discuss any patient or any information pertaining to any patient with anyone (even my own family) who is not directly working with said patient.
  • I will not discuss any patient information in any place where it can be overheard by anyone who is not authorized to have this information.
  • I will not mention any patient's name or admit directly that any person named is a patient except to those authorized to have this information.
  • I will not describe any behavior which I have observed or learned about through my association with St. John, except to those authorized to have this information.
  • I will not contact any individual or agency outside of this institution to get personal information about an individual patient unless a release of information has been signed by the patient or by someone who has been legally authorized by the patient to release information.
  • I will not carry over any personal relationship that I have developed with a patient during the course of my care or observation of the patient, into my off duty hours.
  • I will not use confidential St. John related information in any manner not required by my job or disclose it to anyone not authorized to haveor know it.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, we are notifying you that we may obtain a Credit Report+ with information about you to assist us in determining whether you are eligible for volunteering. You are hereby notified that you have the right to request a copy, upon proper identification, of the investigative background report contained in St. John files on you at the time of your request.

If you would like to receive a copy of the consumer report, if one is obtained, please check this box:

Date of Birth: (format: MM/DD/YYYY)
Driver's License Number:
Driver's License State (Initials):
Other names you have used or are also known as (e.g. maiden name)

* To be used only for criminal history searches, and not a part of the personnel file. Driver's License may be checked if required by job duties.

+ A Consumer Report might include, but is not limited to, employment records, educational verification, licensure verification, driving history, previous addresses, worker's compensation reports, and other public records relative to criminal charges. A Credit Report will not be requested unless it is deemed pertinent to the functions of the position for which you are applying.
The mission of St. John is to continue the healing ministry of Jesus Christ by providing high quality healthcare, in particular being sensitive to the dignity and needs of the sick, the poor, and the powerless. We contribute to the continuing improvement of the overall healthcare status and promote the well being of people in Tulsa and surrounding communities. Our Values are Service of the Poor, Reverence, Integrity, Dedication, Creativity, and Wisdom (“Values in Action”). I understand that as a volunteer, my actions support and fulfill our Mission and Values. I acknowledge I accept the responsibilities of the daily behaviors listed as our Values in Action. As a volunteer, I acknowledge my contribution toward “Medical Excellence, Compassionate Care.” My job performance, attendance, and conduct contribute to quality patient care, good business practices and healthy working relationships with co-workers. I have read and understand the Values in Action and agree to embrace and exhibit these behaviors. I will abide by and support all St. John volunteer guidelines and policies and any department specific policies and procedures applicable to service to St. John.
I am familiar with the Internet and email security policies of St. John, and I agree to abide by them. I am aware that my unauthorized or inappropriate use of the Internet may result in disciplinary action against me up to and including fines and/or termination. I further acknowledge my responsibility to keep my password confidential and in the event of a suspected compromise or a security problem I will immediately notify the Information Technology Security Administrator. In addition, when sending files or attachments via e-mail, I will observe all St. John security and confidentiality policies. I understand that the privilege of using the Internet and email may or may not be granted to me in the future and that if granted is to be used for business reasons only.
If accepted into the volunteer program, I agree to:
  1. Hold as absolutely confidential all information that I may obtain directly or indirectly concerning clients, patients, and staff and not to seek to obtain confidential information from a client or patient.
  2. Become familiar with the organization's policies and procedures and uphold its philosophy and standards.
  3. Donate my services to the organization without contemplation of compensation or future employment.
  4. Be punctual and conscientious, conduct myself with dignity, courtesy, and consideration of others, and endeavor to make my work professional in quality.
  5. Purchase and maintain an appropriate uniform and maintain a well-groomed appearance during my volunteer time.
  6. Attend orientation and in-service training as scheduled.
  7. Carry out assignments and seek the assistance of the position supervisor when necessary.
  8. Take any problems, criticism, or suggestions to my service area supervisor or to the Volunteer Coordinator or Director of Volunteer Services.
  9. Serve a specified number of hours on a schedule acceptable to the organization and me.
  10. Adhere to the department's sign-in and recording of hours procedures.
  11. Notify the volunteer office if unable to volunteer as scheduled and find a substitute according to the volunteer substitution policy.
  12. Honor a six month commitment to volunteer service with the first three months being a probationary period. At the end of three months, I may meet with the Volunteer Coordinator to re-evaluate my volunteer position.
  13. Hold harmless and release St. John and its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and agents from liability for damages, injuries or illnesses resulting to me while participating in volunteer activities, not occasioned by fault or neglect on the part of St. John.
  14. I understand that the Volunteer Services Department reserves the right to terminate my volunteer status as a result of (a) failure to comply with organizational policies, rules, and regulations; (b) absences without prior notification; (c) unsatisfactory attitude, service, or appearance, or (d) any other circumstances which, in the judgment of the department director, would make my continued service as a volunteer contrary to the best interests of the organization.
Electronic Signature (please type first and last name)

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